NN2uex2hLTE-6AzWK4OLi2XPdEc Don't judge me: Blog Challenge - Day 5

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog Challenge - Day 5

Day 5- Five places you want to visit

It is extremely hard for me to only name five places I would like to visit. To be honest, I would love to be able to visit each state at least once, but lack of money is an issue. I'm not even going to name any places outside of the US just to make it a tad bit easier on myself. Ha! 

1. San Francisco 
2. Key West
3. Alaska
4. Las Vegas
5. Hawaii

What are five places you want to visit? 

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  1. Alaska & Hawaii would be on my list too. I went to Las Vegas, I don't remember a lot. The downfall of going with my group of friends. They don't know how to act when they get away. Haha.

    1. Haha, Yeah. I would want to go to Las Vegas once with friends and once where I could remember it. :)

  2. Alaska is definitely on my list (of places I want to live, not only visit), Greece, Puerto Rico (because I miss is solo much!), Bahamas and probably Europe in general :) !

    1. I bet Greece is so beautiful! I couldn't even name places out of the country, I would have a LONG list! LOL

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