NN2uex2hLTE-6AzWK4OLi2XPdEc Don't judge me: Talila Design guest post and giveaway!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Talila Design guest post and giveaway!

I would like to introduce you to Talila from Talila Designs. We are doing a Q&A so you can get to know her and her love for designing bridal jewelry. 
                  When did you start getting into crafting, and what did you start with? 
     All my life, I changed products that I have purchased. I was slot in shoes and sewing beads and stones, I used to buy shoes and accessorized them. I also used to buy bags and add beads and applications. I changed the products completely. I learned auto mechanics in high school, and I was always looking for things to fix. I love working with my hands. 

     When I was in the army, I dreamed to design bridal jewelry and waited for an opportunity to start. I began to work in 2006 when I had my first pregnancy. I just lost my job and thought it would be possible to design and work from home and stay home with my baby boy. I started designing jewelry and sold them at wedding  fairs. Then, I passed consignment sale methods in different stores. 

Where does your inspiration for your items come from?
     I am inspired by everyday life, fashion trends and various cultures from around the world. I draw my strength from being a mother of two children; I have a 6 year old son with autism. Interest and Dealing with his disability very occupies my day. Happy child full of love, and every day pushing him a little further.
And of course I have a baby girl 10 months old that is keeping me busy and fills me with love and inspiration. 
Being an art designer with the ability to fulfill myself in working and doing what I enjoy, to transform it into an integral part of my daily life and to share it with so many people. Most of my activity is online and I sell through other marking channels. 

http://taliladesign.blogspot.co.il/  - My blog is about weddings.        Blog:
 https://www.facebook.com/TalilaDesigns  - I have a 7K fans…Facebook
Talila is also generous enough to be giving away a beautiful cream lace, Victorian necklace! 

  • Handmade item
  • Materials: pearl, tatted lace, satin lace, Elements, Swarovski crystals, cotton tatting, peral fabric Laces Charms, antiqued gold, brass, metal, silver, Old chain, fabric
  • length: 40 cm.
  • extension: 10 cm.

a Rafflecopter giveaway post signature


  1. Hey Amy,
    Thank you.
    Great job
    And good luck to the winner ...

  2. Ready To Ship,Citrine bracelet,Bridal Jewelry,Romantic ,Victorian, Vintage Inspired ,Statement bracelet, Wedding Bracelet - BB00810. this is beautiful

  3. http://www.etsy.com/listing/151998219/wedding-haircomb-bridal-jewelry-wedding?ref=shop_home_active

    This one is my favorite!

  4. I like the Swarovski Crystal Heart Necklace

  5. honestly i love all of them

  6. Absolutely beautiful pieces!!! You certainly don't need to be a bride to enjoy this jewelry :) I especially love the Turquoise and Ruby , Lace Jewelry bracelet.



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