NN2uex2hLTE-6AzWK4OLi2XPdEc Don't judge me: Sunday Social

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

1. What is currently on your wish list?
Jean jacket, royal blue jeggings, red jeggings, new phone, and running shoes

2. Share a new iPhone, droid, iPad app that you have recently discovered that we all need.
Rhonna Designs, it's a photo editing app

3. What is a new fall tv show that you have added to your dvr?
Master chef junior

4. Share your social media links so we can follow you. (Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc) Tell us which is your favorite and why.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/alj1025
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DontJudgeMe0
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/amylynn1283
Instagram: ALJ1025

Instagram is my favorite. No drama and lots of pictures, just the way I like it.

5. What is a tv show, movie, and/or song that you could watch or listen to over and over and never get tired of?
Tv show - New girl

Movie- Elf

Song- I wanna dance with somebody 

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  1. stopping by from the link-up, I love New Girl! and Elf is on my list too, love it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. You have good taste in shows and movies. Love to laugh :)

  2. OMG Elf! I love elf lol


    1. I seriously never get sick of Elf. Have to watch it every Christmas, sometimes more than once

  3. 1. What is currently on your wish list?
    off white short sleeve piko! Also, I want some black booties, leopard flats, and a new black necklace.

    2. Share a new iPhone, droid, iPad app that you have recently discovered that we all need.
    Dumb game! It's called pet rescue saga.

    3. What is a new fall tv show that you have added to your dvr?
    Brooklyn nine nine. I like Adam Sandberg.

    4. Share your social media links so we can follow you. (Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, etc) Tell us which is your favorite and why.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/nat_ramirez08

    Instagram: natramirez08

    Instagram is my favorite too!

    5. What is a tv show, movie, and/or song that you could watch or listen to over and over and never get tired of?
    Tv show - Scandal!!!
    movie- forrest gump
    song- bruno mars- runaway baby!

    I'm excited about the giveaway ending. I'm probably more hopeful than I should be... lol.

    1. Thanks for participating! I have heard Scandal was really good. I may need to see if its on Netflix! I'm excited too. I keep looking to see what time it is. LOL

    2. Season one is on netflix!!!!

  4. Aw, my favorite thing is to bust out "I Want to Dance With Somebody" while cooking, and dancing around! Too perfect :)
    xo TJ


    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Such a great, upbeat song! I'm your newest follower :)


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